In Hearthstone, the meta refers to the most effective strategies that emerge in the game as players experiment with new card sets. The Un’Goro meta is a particularly intriguing period of Hearthstone’s history due to the introduction of innovative game mechanics and card synergies through the Journey to Un’Goro expansion.

New Mechanics: Adapt and Quest

The Journey to Un’Goro expansion introduced two groundbreaking mechanics: Adapt and Quest.

The Adapt Mechanic

Adapt was a new keyword introduced in the expansion, which allowed a minion to gain a temporary enhancement from a selection of ten options.

  • Flaming Claws: Grants +3 attack;
  • Rocky Carapace: Grants +3 health;
  • Shrouding Mist: Grants Stealth until the next turn;
  • Liquid Membrane: Makes the minion untargetable by spells or Hero Powers;
  • Massive: Grants Taunt;
  • Lightning Speed: Grants Windfury;
  • Crackling Shield: Grants Divine Shield;
  • Living Spores: Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Plants;
  • Volcanic Might: Grants +1/+1;
  • Poison Spit: Grants Poisonous.

This mechanic added a significant level of versatility and unpredictability to the game, increasing the complexity of decision-making for players.

The Quest Mechanic

The Quest mechanic introduced Legendary Quest cards that provided long-term objectives for players to accomplish over the course of a game. The completion of a Quest would reward players with powerful card effects or minions, often capable of shifting the game’s outcome. There were nine Quest cards in total, one for each class:

Quest CardClassQuest RequirementsReward
The Caverns BelowRoguePlay four minions with the same nameCrystal Core
Fire Plume’s HeartWarriorPlay seven Taunt minionsSulfuras
Awaken the MakersPriestSummon seven Deathrattle minionsAmara, Warden of Hope
The Last KaleidosaurPaladinCast six spells on your minionsGalvadon
Open the WaygateMageCast six spells that didn’t start in your deckTime Warp
Unite the MurlocsShamanSummon ten MurlocsMegafin
The Marsh QueenHunterPlay seven 1-Cost minionsQueen Carnassa
Jungle GiantsDruidSummon five minions with 5 or more AttackBarnabus
Lakkari SacrificeWarlockDiscard six cardsNether Portal

The Quest mechanic required thoughtful deck construction and strategic play to successfully accomplish the objectives.

Noteworthy Deck Archetypes in Un’Goro Meta

Hearthstone game displaying a battle in progress with one card on the battleground

The Un’Goro meta birthed new deck archetypes as players experimented with the new mechanics and synergies. Here are four significant deck archetypes of the Un’Goro meta.

Midrange Paladin

Midrange Paladin became one of the most potent decks in the Un’Goro meta. The deck took advantage of the Adapt mechanic and a host of new Murloc cards to exert substantial pressure on opponents. It combined effective board control techniques with a steady onslaught of buffed minions to outpace opponents and control the game tempo. Key cards included:

  • Sunkeeper Tarim: A versatile Legendary minion that could be used for buffing your own board or neutralizing enemy threats;
  • Spikeridged Steed: A powerful buffing spell that offered both offensive and defensive benefits;
  • Murloc Warleader and Gentle Megasaur: These provided significant buffs to the deck’s Murloc minions, enabling aggressive strategies.

Quest Rogue

The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, spawned an archetype with an extraordinary potential to flood the board with 5/5 minions. Upon completing the Quest, all the player’s minions turned into formidable 5/5 threats, which provided a unique challenge to opponents. Key cards included:

  • Shadowstep and Gadgetzan Ferryman: Used for bouncing minions back to the hand, facilitating the completion of the Quest;
  • Novice Engineer and Youthful Brewmaster: Low-cost minions that could be replayed multiple times to fulfill the Quest requirement.

Taunt Warrior

The Warrior Quest, Fire Plume’s Heart, led to the creation of Taunt Warrior, a control deck focused on surviving early game aggression with a bevy of Taunt minions. Completing the Quest yielded the ‘Sulfuras’ weapon, which changed the hero power to ‘Die Insect’ (deal 8 damage to a random enemy), making the deck a potent late-game threat. Key cards included:

  • Stonehill Defender: Provided additional Taunt minions, aiding in the completion of the Quest;
  • Alley Armorsmith and Brawl: These cards were crucial for surviving against aggressive decks.

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shaman was another dominant deck archetype in the Un’Goro meta. It revolved around synergies between Elemental type minions, which provided powerful effects when triggered. Key cards included:

  • Kalimos, Primal Lord: This Elemental could provide a variety of powerful effects, conditional on the player having played an Elemental on the previous turn;
  • Servant of Kalimos: Provided additional Elemental resources, contributing to the deck’s consistency.

Un’Goro Meta’s Impact on Gameplay and Deckbuilding

The Un’Goro meta introduced a more interactive and strategic approach to gameplay. The newly added mechanics required players to make more nuanced decisions about deck building and card play. Players needed to evaluate the cost-benefit of including specific Quest cards in their deck and assess how they could optimize the Adapt mechanic for different situations.

When it came to deck building, players had to consider the optimal number and type of Elemental minions for synergistic effects. Similarly, decks revolving around Quest cards needed a specific strategy tailored towards completing the Quest without compromising the overall efficiency of the deck.


The Un’Goro Meta represents a pivotal point in Hearthstone’s history, introducing innovative mechanics that added layers of depth and strategy to the game. The new mechanics of Adapt and Quest transformed gameplay and deck-building, bringing forth versatile strategies and interactive playstyles. Dominant decks like Midrange Paladin, Quest Rogue, Taunt Warrior, and Elemental Shaman emerged, leveraging these new mechanics and defining the Un’Goro Meta. The influence of the Un’Goro Meta continues to be felt in the current Hearthstone landscape, a testament to its significant impact on the game’s evolution.


What were the key features of the Un’Goro Meta?

Un’Goro Meta was characterized by the introduction of the Adapt and Quest mechanics, the rise of new deck archetypes such as Midrange Paladin, Quest Rogue, Taunt Warrior, and Elemental Shaman, and a shift towards a more strategic and interactive gameplay style.

What made the Un’Goro Meta significant in Hearthstone’s history?

Un’Goro Meta’s significance lies in the introduction of new mechanics and the resulting variety of deck archetypes. It encouraged creativity and adaptability among players, influencing Hearthstone’s competitive landscape for expansions to come.

How did the Quest mechanic influence deck building strategies?

The Quest mechanic required players to build their deck around a specific long-term objective. This led to unique deck-building strategies where players had to ensure they had enough resources to complete the Quest while still maintaining a balanced deck to respond to opponents’ actions.

What was the impact of the Adapt mechanic on gameplay?

The Adapt mechanic added a layer of unpredictability to the game, as players had to make strategic decisions on the spot. It introduced a level of versatility to minion plays, forcing both the player and their opponent to think carefully about potential outcomes.

Why was the Elemental Shaman deck powerful in the Un’Goro Meta?

The Elemental Shaman deck was potent due to the synergistic effects of the Elemental minions. When played in the correct sequence, these cards provided powerful bonuses that could be leveraged for board control and sustained pressure against opponents.